Thursday, December 16, 2010

Comic Fiesta 2010 costumes

Finally it's done !

If I haven't missed out anything important , hope not ~ It's pretty challenging for me this time because my sewing machine is semi-crippled . For some reason , it's not working right most of the time . Like it purposely go against me because it knows that I'm rushing . * pulls hair * So almost 60 % of it is hand sewn . Fml .

I seriously think that my sewing machine is throwing tantrum because I haven't been maintaining it properly . * cough bad owner cough *


Day 1 costume .


Day 2 costume


My fav part of this costume is most probably the giant bow .


Funny fact bout both of my costumes :

1) It's black and white
2) Has lots of frills
3) Has giant bow at the back
4) Has cuffs

Believe me it's totally unintentional . ( o w o )


. . . and now I need a pair of black pumps ! * fingers crossed * I hope I can find one in Times Square tomoro or I'll be screwed big time . ( ;_____; )

*prays hard *

Now I have to trim my wig !

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