Friday, December 17, 2010

Are you ready for CF 2010 ?

Ohai ~ it's that time of the year again !

It's Comic Fiesta !


Where : Manhattan Ball Room @ Berjaya Times Square , Kuala Lumpur
Date : 18th and 19th December 2010
Time : 10.30 a.m onwards ~
Entrance Ticket : Rm 15 per day

OMG ! I'm so , so excited that I could no longer hide my excitement ! Why ? This year is Comic Fiesta's 9th anniversary and I have been waiting since I'm 15 to attend this event . Officially this will be my first Comic Fiesta ~ ( ^ _____ ^ )

Really can't wait to see all my lovelies in their costumes ! I have friends coming all the way from Sabah ~ so happy can meet people from my hometown ! Plus some of my friends from Singapore will be there too ! ( O w O ) I bet everyone will look super gorgeous in their costumes . * fangurls *

I think I will be getting my Coscards by tomorrow morning so if you happen to see me , please do come and exchange cards with me . I'm really bad in recognizing people ( quite shy too ) , don't hesitate to say " Hi " to me kays ? * hugs *

Totally NOT joking bout the shy part . 8D




There will be lots of fun-filled activities that I myself don't know where to start !

1) Portfolio Pavilion
2) Comic Fiesta Industry Seminars
3) Comic Fiesta Digital Competition
4) CF Side Quests ( I feel like joining this 8D )
5) Cosplay Competition
6) Doujin and Creative Works

. . . and more !

Here's the schedule :

Day 1


Day 2


For more info , do visit Comic Fiesta's Official Site !






Arghhhh ~ there are so many activities going on ! Can I like have Naruto's Kage Bunshin so that I can visit the event , take pix of cosplayers and cosplay at the same time ? Seriously I need to divide my body . ( ;____; ) I'm stressing myself out for no reason just because I'm greedy . haha ! Wanna cosplay but wanna enjoy the event and meet friends too . Is there a way I can do achieve all this ? hehe ~

Anyways , hope to see you guys tomorrow ! ( ^ __ ^ )

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