Sunday, December 5, 2010

Photoshoot : Litchi Faye Ling

Litchi Faye Ling is a character I that grown to love a lot ~ much love and thanks to Jac lavena @ my sayang for inviting me to be a part of her awesome BlazBlue group ! Debuted this during Cosfest 2010 @ Singapore with Lavena as Rachel Alucard . ( o w o ) Cutest Rachel ever !

I've always wanted to do a proper photoshoot for Litchi and is very happy that Blur / Anthony Lee has agreed to be my photographer this time ! Not forgetting my awesome helper , Lavena , who tidies my wig , hold my props and all !

I really need to improve on facial expression and posing ! Guess what ? Will be having a complete group maybe next year ~ I feel so excited already ! 8D * keeps fingers crossed *


Wake up early in the morning to get ready ! Had my wig , costume and make-up on so that I won't need to do it on the spot . Blur was very punctual , picked me up around 10 a.m ++ ! ( ^_____^ )


Reached the shoot location but unfortunately lots of event going on around us . There's this make up competition , high school students having picnic , motivation camp .. etc . I was super shy cuz this costume is quite .. revealing . Took awhile to warm up , but am glad that I didn't chicken out !


Around 2 p.m , Blur , Lavena and I went to have lunch . I just need to take of my wig extensions , spectacles and hide my costume under my sweater . =x Very convenient right !


Blur brought us to Sweet Bean for our late lunch ! So nice , they even have Christmas deco dy .



Me and my awesome helper , Lavena ! ( * w * )


Photographer of the day ! Blur / Anthony Lee . ( > w < ) Very funny and friendly person !


Since the set lunch is available till 3 p.m , all three of us ordered this !


A delicious egg pudding .


Lavena's Wantan Mee !


My Kon Lou mee with fried egg and chicken ! It's really delicious ~ no lie one !


Blur's Baked cheese mee with fried chicken ! * drools *


This is the Pheonix's Balls .

I know rite . It sounds wrong . It's like " Hey , can I have a Phoenix Ball pls ? " Blame this on Lavena . She ordered it ! But rite , we happily noms it till the very last ball . ( o w o ) It's kinda yummy !


Back to secret location for an indoor shoot . Darn , Mbek you are here ! ( > w < )


Blur's beautiful collection 1.


Blur's beautiful collection 2 .


Blur's beautiful collection 3 . Owh gawd , why is Yoko so hot ! I kinda like this adult / matured version of her . * sticks her photo on my wall * I want this kind of figure !






Time for some Omake shots !


Litchi not supposed to act cute but .. .. but , I don't care ! 8D Love my contact lens here ~ it's Jewel Purple , so obvious and looks nice for cosplay usage !


Infamous yoga pose .


I feel like an oujousama here . Like Lavena is serving me . hur hur hur . ( Sorry sayang ! )


Attempted yuri/yaoi pix . Apparently Lavena look extremely scared . Fufufufufu ! I like my seme expression though . ( ^ ____ ^ )






Okay one non- omake pix for you guys !


Me as Litchi Faye Ling

Series : Blazblue Calamity Trigger

Costume is fully tailored , pole is made by Rong Tau ,
Panda clip , boot covers and all accessories made by me .

One of my many favourite pix from the photoshoot ! There are so many pix that I can't choose. I will be uploading more pix in my deviantart account soon ~ please do visit if you wanna see bigger pix !

Thanks again so much Blur for agreeing to shoot me and Lavena for amusing and helping me . Hur hur hur ! I had fun guys ~

Please do visit Blur / Anthony Lee for more of his works at :


Not forgetting my sayang Lavena which is also my partner in cosplay :

Stay tune for more !

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