Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hatsune Miku Vocaloid VN02 Cosplayer

I really want this figure and was prusing the internet looking for a good deal on her. I love the realism of the figure and the pose is quite unique to what I have seen before. I have always wanted this figure and had hoped that around this time of year it might be on a sale or something - LOL. I did find it for under $135 w/shipping but my wife said "We don't need that right now". Well I do need that right now, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :_(

I was surprised to find that someone cosplayed Vocaloid VN02. I was quite impressed by this whole cosplay as they really went into the details. I actually found her by the photographer's site and then had to reverse find the Cosplayer. It is the first time I actually have both the Cosplayer and Photographers site info.

Cosplayer: Shirou Yuri
Photographer :

You don't really see that many Cosplayers doing specific figures of a character. Most of the time, it is due to the way they are posed or the accessories they have. In this case, she really nailed it and ever did the actual figure's pose in some of the shots. Overall, both of them really did a bang up job not only portraying the figure, but also showcasing the it in a stunning environment.

Here are the shots I was able to find for your enjoyment.

I decided to do a more in depth search and found another person who did a great job as well with the whole figure. If you want to see more of her and also pickup a CD (?), then check out 298. Just so you know, it is in Japanese, so have a translator standing by.

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