Thursday, September 30, 2010

Shakugan no Shana: Shana 05

shakugan no shana cosplay - shana 05 from comiket 2010A talented and powerful Flame Haze, Shana is known and feared by most Tomogaya by title alone. She has many abilities including her proficiency with Nietono no Shana, the ability to wield flame, manipulation of the power of existence, harboring extrasensory traits, and fly with wings made of flames. Her nodachi, Nietono no Shana, means “Vairocana of the Offering Room”.

Cute cosplayer from Comiket 2010! I don’t remember Shana’s fingernails being so long though. Thanks to Nessie for sending this!

Harajukize NGC 6: Gothika

September 26, 2010

for the official blog post, click HERE.
Outtakes from the one of the best NGC events ever!

We would like to thank our invited photographers: Fiel Efenio and Mabby Juplo. Arigato!

And congratulations to our winners!

Mico Cielo - 1st Runner Up Mr. Gothika

Dada Belle - 2nd Runner Up Ms. Gothika

Kai Raito - MR. GOTHIKA 2010

Zaeric Kruszette - MS. GOTHIKA 2010

To all cosplayers who attended the event, thank you!

Paul Smith PS shirt - reissued!

Great news has finally been confirmed for those wanting a Paul Smith PS shirt identical to the one worn by the Eleventh Doctor.

Paul Smith announced this week that the shirt has been brought back by popular demand and will be available via their Internet store and in the Floral Street branch in London's Covent Garden.

There had been number of versions of the shirt discovered over the past year, none of which were 100% right. Some had the right fitting, but lacked the striped cuffs; others had the cuffs, but had concealed buttonstands; and another had the right butonstand, fitting and style, but had French style double cuffs, though striped.

There has been a photograph issued of the shirt, and it looks perfect in every regard. It has the right cuffs; visible buttons; looks to be a tailored fit; and does not have a breast pocket, that appeared on a couple of the version of the shirts found.

The shirt will be on sale from mid October 2010, and it is not known how long they will be available for, or what quantities have been made, but it has been described as Limited Edition – so grab one quick when you get the chance.
The shirts are to be priced at £119.

To find it quicker, the shirt has the item code PCXD/164H/WHO-P, and it should be findable with that code.

I will post a direct link to the shirt once it appears online.
Other news about the reissued shirt
can be read at 
TARDIS Newsroom
Sabotage Times

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

K-On!: Nakano Azusa 02

k-on! cosplay - nakano azusa 02 from comiket 2010A self-proclaimed novice guitarist, Azusa has been playing the guitar since 4th grade. She is in the same year and class as Yui’s sister, Ui, and joins the light music club as their rhythm guitarist.

Although she does not understand the club’s tea parties and cosplaying activities, she has a weakness for cakes and therefore deals with them. Yui nicknamed her “Azu-nyan” after she tried on a pair of cat ears and meowed, and the fact that she could be calmed down at times just by petting.

Cute cosplay! And are those Touhou Project characters I see in the background? Thanks again to Yula for this photo!

Soul Eater Maka Albarn Cosplay Boot

Soul Eater Maka Albarn Cosplay Boot

Material:Man-made Leather

Condition:Made to order

Measurements necessary:

1,Size (Male/Female/US/UK...)

2,Width of leg opening (the circumference of your calf's widest part)

Notice:Only make for Leg opening ≤16.9" or 43cm,Very Important!

Coffee + Cosplay = Fun Fun Fun!

Last week was USLS's U-Week. Otaku Geirin Animotaku invited Hitsuzen Inc Bacolod to support their Cosplay Cafe, a fund raising event where people could drink coffee served by cosplayers.

So it all meant a helluva week fun. Woooot!

Arigato gozaimasu! See ya next year!

Harajukize NGC 5: Cosa Nostra

This thing of ours.

Wooot! Outtakes from Harajukize NGC 5: Cosa Nostra.

So Tinta Productions had this project incorporated with our monthly NGC event. Yatta! Successful gathering ever!

A multitude of cosplayers. Lots of newbies. Go gangsters!

TINTA cosplaying BLEACH Mafia. OMG! Byakuya-sama!

Hitsuzen Inc cosplaying KHR. Blaze guys!

Kawaii ninja girl kills all Bleach mafia. Femme fatale!

Reborn? You killed all the Vongolas!

CLASH! Go grab your weapons!

Hitsuzen Inc would like to thanks Mr. Kimwell Laluma for the photos. Also to Ms. Annie May Valdez for her pretty shots!

Long live the Mafia!

What did you draw on your Math Test!?!?!?!

My son had extra time after his Math test last week. He should of reviewed his questions as he did get 2 wrong, but still 89%. We reviewed his missed answers so he know what he did wrong.

But this isn't why I am writing about his math test, it was what he did while waiting for everyone else to finish. He has been watching an Anime recently and has taken a strong liking to it. From his drawing below, can you guess the Anime?

For even more fun, can you tell me the characters he drew as well from the Anime?

I will update this later with the answers :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

He Is My Master: Karauchi Anna 03

he is my master cosplay - karauchi anna 03 from comiket 2010Contrary to Anna's own belief, Sawatari Izumi is not interested in having a relationship with another girl. Anna’s misconception was derived from Izumi’s relentless efforts to keep Anna away from their master, Nakabayashi Yoshitaka. Although she is the third girl to be hired as a maid, Anna cannot cook proper meals, which is the subject of many jokes in the series.

Beautiful cosplayer from Comiket 2010! I really love all the ruffles and details she put into this cosplay. Thanks again to Edward for sending this in!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Kuroshitsuji: Ciel Phantomhive 05

kuroshitsuji cosplay - ciel phantomhive 05 from comiket 2010Although usually appearing to be emotionless, Ciel occasionally expresses his concern for the well-being of those who are close to him. He sometimes portrays himself as a happy person especially when undercover, but soon returns to his true self. Ciel is highly reliant on Sebastian, his butler, and does not appear to interact with the other servants of the Phantomhive Household as often, although they are all devoted to him.

Beautiful cosplay! The attention to detail is stunning and I believe this an artwork from the series’ soundtrack or drama CD. Thanks to Kuro-chan for sending this!

Soul Eater Cosplay Maka Albarn Costume

Now,I bring on Soul Eater Cosplay Maka Albarn Costume,in the anime,Maka dons a cool suit,including Coat + Shirt + Skirt + Tie,the material is Polyester + Cotton.Tailor-made. Fit you best.We provide cosplay costumes of high quality.So,if you want to cosplay as Maka in the next show,come to check it out now.

HobbyLink Japan Removing All Sales for BIG UPDATE

I got this email from HobbyLink Japan (HLJ) today and wanted to make sure I got this out to everyone. Not sure if you are on their mailing list, but may want to add yourself for these updates.

Summary: They are adjusting their pricing structure due the increase the Japanese Yen has seen over the last years. So they are removing all the Sales as of 10/01 at 6pm JST and bringing them back later at regular pricing (see below for details).

Here it the email message I got:

So what are we going to do about it?

Anybody who has shopped with HLJ for more than the last few months shares our pain. Since 2007, the Japanese yen has risen over 40% in value against the euro and US dollar. And since we price our products in yen, that means you've been paying more for everything at HLJ.

Over the last year or so, we've run many different special sales to try to help offset the higher yen, but we've decided we think there's a better way. So starting next week, HLJ is going to start rolling out a new "our price" system on many of the brands and items we carry. These items will always be offered lower than the manufacturer's suggested retail price. And what's more, we're also rethinking our special sales, too. There will be fewer of them, but we think you'll find them more attractive than ever before.

As we prepare to roll out our new system, we've decided to end every sale currently taking place at HLJ this Friday, October 1st at 6pm JST. And for a few days after that, everything will be offered at its regular price only. So if you've had your eye on something discounted at HLJ, be sure to buy now! You can peruse everything with a special price at HLJ on our sales page.

Of course I wish we could just manipulate currency rates directly (who doesn't?). But since we can't, we're just going to do our best to make it as easy as possible for you to get all the great hobby and anime stuff from Japan and the world that you know and love.

Stay tuned, and as always, thank you for all of your business with HLJ.

Scott T. Hards

All change!

I’m not referring to the Number 11 bus – but the Number Eleven Doctor!

The new series of Matt Smith episodes is currently in production, and some on location pictures have emerged, showing The Doctor’s NEW costume!

Some pictures were knocking around when the Christmas special was being lensed, but they were quite distant and not top quality. These new ones, however, have been taken by paparazzi and so are much higher res and show a lot more detail.

What they do show are the complete change of costume assembled for the new series. Now, it doesn’t at first glance look that different, but like the season 19 vs season 21 Fifth Doctor chance, it is a revisiting of the constituent parts.

So, what’s changed?

It’s still a tweed, but it doesn’t take much to notice it is a different pattern of fabric with a much bolder checked pattern. What you might not notice at first glance is it is a three-button closure, rather than a two-button like before (see right).
The elbow patches are basically the same!


It’s no longer a Paul Smith shirt, and appears to be a white shirt with a pale coloured grid or gingham check. The cuffs are distinctive for a 45 ˚ chamfered corner (see above).

The All Saints boots are out, and some look-a-likes are in. They can be distinguished by the stitched arch across the brow of the boot (see right).

These look very similar to the TopMan ones previously worn, but are of a more waxy finish and have distinctive deep back pockets (see left).

Matt appears to be wearing the same braces as before, and a similar bow tie (bow ties are cool, btw) but it does seem to be a shade bigger than before.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance: Makinami Mari Illustrious 03

evangelion: 2.0 you can (not) advance cosplay - makinami mari illustrious 03 from comiket 2010The beginning of the movie immediately reveals Makinami Mari Illustrious to be a pilot of the Provisional Evangelion Unit-05. She was sent to destroy the resuscitated skeleton of the Third Angel in its attack on NERV’s arctic Bethany Base. Mari was able to successfully defeat the Angel by self-destructing her unit,and ejecting at the last minute to avoid her own death.

I guess Evangelion’s 4-part theatrical remake really made an impact on the con goers this year. Thanks again for the contribution, Quince!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Unknown Entry 066

unknown cosplay 66 from comiket 2010So many great cosplays from Comiket this year… I don’t think I can keep up with my emails any more.

In any case! I’m wondering about this particular photo. The first character that came to mind was Tosaka Rin from Fate/Stay Night. I think she wore a maid uniform in Ataraxia or Zero, but I think her skirt was a lot longer in that series.

Anyone have a better idea? Thanks again to Bennihime for sending this!

Unknown Entry 065

unknown cosplay 65 from comiket 2010This cosplayer's outfit is certainly unique. It reminds me of a captain’s uniform in the Gundam series and a futuristic French maid of some sort. Maybe the fan she’s carrying holds some kind of clue to her identity?

The illustration of a girl behind her looks scarily intimidating as well… Anyone have a good guess? Thanks to Wendy for sending this in!

Hong Kong Halloween Treats Press Conference

As mentioned earlier , I attended the Hong Kong Halloween Treat Press Conference last Friday @ FullHouse , Sunway Giza . I cosplayed as Litchi Faye Ling from the game BlazBlue : Calamity Trigger ! ( note : Litchi is pronounced as Lychee ) It was fun and I get to meet all my lovelies !


I took a cab to Sunway Giza , which is a smart move because it's so jam and the cars could hardly move . Reached around 2pm , which is obviously too early . The press conference only starts at 4 pm . Waited for Jaq at a Japanese Restaurant which I forgot the name ( my bad ) , but it's opposite FullHouse and directly on top of Baskin Robins .


I have my cravings for Japanese food that I must satisfy ! * drools * The menu is drooling worthy and I felt like ordering all of them . ( *_______* ) I violated my diet rule , telling myself that it's okay ~that I can diet at night . . Which I didn't . * cough had Baskin Robins cough *


Green Tea .


AHA ! This is my pick : Deep Fried Chicken with Cheese . Comes with Tofu , Sashimi , Miso Soup , freshly cut platter of fruits and of course rice lah . Plus lots of veggie . The portion is quite big ! I didn't manage to finish all of it but it was worth my Rm 22.90 . ( > ______ < )


Nice or not ? I can't resist cheese . Cheese is good . * thumbs up *


* slurps * very fresh . Not a big fan of Sashimi , but this is good while it lasted .


Tofu . Nowadays I hardly eat any Tofu . This meal made me feel very healthy . I actually finished all the veggie ! Sounds slightly cheesy , but if my mum knows , she would be very proud . I ate veggie voluntarily . Hur hur hur ~


Jaq reached around 3 pm and both of us rushed to FullHouse to get ready ! Pardon for the lack of photos . I was busy stuffing my bloated self ( after a heavy lunch ) into my tight costume . Anyways , I never been to FullHouse before . This was my first time stepping in the restaurant itself and I was very impressed ! Everything is so white and elegant . Totally love the giant chandelier ~ The food they prepared was awesome too . My favourite would be the olio spaghetti , the corn soup and the cakes !


Jaq as Rachel Alucard . Aint she the cutest Alucard around ? * pinches princess's cheeks *


Rachel " The Princess " Alucard and Litchi Faye Ling !


Awesome Jack Sparrow . I used to have a crush on Jack Sparrow when I first watched the Pirates of The Caribbean ! * blushes blushes *


Very cute Chihiro from Spirited Away by Angeline ! * pokes pokes *


Ryukku and Momo that came later . But they are so cute that you will like bringing them home and huggles them . ( *______* ) I like cute people . Why are you two so cute one ? * super pokes cheeks *

There are many other lovely people that I didn't manage to get a picture with ! I know that I complained about this many times dy , but I seriously need a camera . ( =_____ = )





The press conference got me really hyped on visiting Hong Kong during the month of Halloween . All the Halloween themed food and drinks , the shopping experience , happening street parties where you can dress up and have fun ! Not forgetting the " spooktacular " experience Hong Kong 's hottest attraction spots like Disneyland , Ocean Park and Madam Tussauds can offer ! Aren't you tempted to visit Hong Kong for the Asia's biggest Halloween party ?

I sure do !

The voting is still on till the 6th of October ! Please do vote for me ~ ( > _____ < )


Just register as Animax member then click on the stars to vote ! Easy , no ?

Thanks for the votes people !





This are the freebies I got from Animax ! An umbrella , a notebook , Hong Kong pamphlets ,Animax KeyChain , Iphone Limited Edition cover and a Fairy Tail file . Did I mention that I'm a very big fan of Fairy Tail ? I've been chasing the manga for a very long time . It's so hilarious and entertaining ! My favourite character will definitely be Lucy Heartphilia . * plans on cosplaying her *

Guess what ? Animax will be airing the anime starting from 30 th December 2010 , every Monday to Friday @ 9.30 pm ! * omg super excited * Don't forget to tune in !
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