Monday, September 27, 2010

HobbyLink Japan Removing All Sales for BIG UPDATE

I got this email from HobbyLink Japan (HLJ) today and wanted to make sure I got this out to everyone. Not sure if you are on their mailing list, but may want to add yourself for these updates.

Summary: They are adjusting their pricing structure due the increase the Japanese Yen has seen over the last years. So they are removing all the Sales as of 10/01 at 6pm JST and bringing them back later at regular pricing (see below for details).

Here it the email message I got:

So what are we going to do about it?

Anybody who has shopped with HLJ for more than the last few months shares our pain. Since 2007, the Japanese yen has risen over 40% in value against the euro and US dollar. And since we price our products in yen, that means you've been paying more for everything at HLJ.

Over the last year or so, we've run many different special sales to try to help offset the higher yen, but we've decided we think there's a better way. So starting next week, HLJ is going to start rolling out a new "our price" system on many of the brands and items we carry. These items will always be offered lower than the manufacturer's suggested retail price. And what's more, we're also rethinking our special sales, too. There will be fewer of them, but we think you'll find them more attractive than ever before.

As we prepare to roll out our new system, we've decided to end every sale currently taking place at HLJ this Friday, October 1st at 6pm JST. And for a few days after that, everything will be offered at its regular price only. So if you've had your eye on something discounted at HLJ, be sure to buy now! You can peruse everything with a special price at HLJ on our sales page.

Of course I wish we could just manipulate currency rates directly (who doesn't?). But since we can't, we're just going to do our best to make it as easy as possible for you to get all the great hobby and anime stuff from Japan and the world that you know and love.

Stay tuned, and as always, thank you for all of your business with HLJ.

Scott T. Hards

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