Friday, September 17, 2010

Vocaloid: Hatsune Miku Cosplayers

The winner of my Cosplayer Poll was Vocaloid. Though it shows a tie with Queen's Blade, my friend Sean was able to help break that tie via Twitter.It was an interesting race and really hoped I have more votes, but oh well.

I am always amazed by the talent these ladies have in putting these together. Look at the details alone for this costume, all the buttons and gadgets on her arm alone must be time consuming. Now for everyone's viewing pleasure, here are the lovely ladies that cosplayed as Hatsune Miku for us.

BTW: What the hell is up with the Damn Leeks? They are Leeks - right?





Yuichiro Nagashima

Who is your favorite Cosplayer this time around?

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