Friday, September 24, 2010

Soul Eater Maka Albarn Brew

Maka, Kid, Black Star, Ox, Kirikou, and Kim and their respective Weapons are the group of kids chosen for fighting to obtain Brew, a powerful Demon Tool, before Arachnophobia.
When Stein and Marie, the duo responsible for retrieving Brew in the vortex of Lost Island, take too long to reappear, the group begins to worry. Ox, Kirikou, and Kim decide to stay behind and take care of the forces opposing them. With that, Maka, Black Star, and Kid enter the vortex. The first thing they notice is Death and that the vortex is a sort of frozen time anomaly repeatedly showing the events that led to the explosion on the island.
Kid explains that what they see is Shinigami from the Grim Times, before he built Shibusen. The group then hurries to a temple. When they reach, they notice a large mass of Witches — one of them being Arachne. They hear Arachne speak about blowing up the island and everything relating to Brew. The group proceeds and soon meet Marie and Stein. Because Marie and Stein are overstaying in the vortex, they are in danger of becoming a part of the time anomaly. Maka and the others tell them to retreat and decide that they will take on the mission of retrieving Brew.
They eventually bump into Mosquito, carrying Brew. He then reverts to his from from 100 years ago and prepares to battle them. Before the battle can start, though, a hologram of Eibon appears. Black Star decides not to waste time and attacks Mosquito, ignoring the presence of Eibon. Maka follows suit and, eventually, Kid brings himself to ignore Eibon and attacks Mosquito, too. None of their attacks, however, are penetrating the tough hide of Mosquito. Mosquito then uses his immense strength to overpower the kids. Luckily, Soul comes up with the idea of Chain Resonance and augmenting it with his music. The group laugh as they hear he is going to play the piano in his soul. When Soul asks why they are laughing, Maka replies that they had finally got Soul to play the piano for them.
Soul plays the piano, giving everyone a rush of power, enabling them to manoeuvre flawlessly around each other and link their attacks with ease. They are easily able to overcome Mosquito with both their speed and strength. Ultimately, their combined strength allows them to damage Mosquito and Kid manages to connect a Death Cannon, and Black Star attacks with his Uncanny Blade, which destroys both of Mosquito's arms. Before they can finish him off, Soul stops playing, advising them to leave as their time limit for staying in the vortex is almost up. Maka protests, but has no choice but to agree. Since Mosquito can revert to an even younger form of himself, he can remain in the vortex for longer, and the group have no choice but to retreat without BREW. In the anime only, Maka continues on to activate the Majin Hunt and bisects Mosquito horizontally, but he escapes by detaching his head from his body. Soul then tells everyone that it's time to leave.
On their way out, they meet up with Kirikou and Ox, who help escort them out of the vortex. They leave and watch how the Witch's research facility is destroyed by an explosion, though that, too, is a hologram from years past. When they exit the vortex they are greeted by a distraught Marie, who makes a move to strike them, but instead hugs them all for making it out safe, but soon threatens that they will all have a talking with her back at Shibusen.
Maka calls Shinigami and reports in on the failed mission. After doing so, she sits next to Soul on the boat that is bearing them back to Shibusen.

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