Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Random Prize Winner - Yea!

I can't remember how I came across the site, but I found my way to Otaku Hime. She was having this really cool contest for her 200th Post. The only thing you needed to do was post some offbeat things to do in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Nara or Yokohama. They were planning there honeymoon there and wanted our input on cool places to go.

Here was my suggestion:

"Not sure if you are into fashion or cosplay, but a nice offbeat place might be Harajuku. I would be interested myself to check out the area if for nothing else than to shop at h.NAOTO stores (Hangry & Angry). From what I remember, on Sunday, you get to see a lot of people in Goth Lolita and cosplay there as well.

There is also some Shrines, NHK Studio and Oriental Bazaar."

I didn't get the main prizes, but as a runner up, I got theUsagi mirror. Now I know not my style, but for my wife, it was a very cute item for her purse.

I just got in today via FedEx (which shocked me as it was International Overnight).

Now I have to admire her for packing it. I stopped counting after opening over 5 layers to get to the item. Felt like I was opening a package, then another package, then another package . . .  She also had a nice "thank you" note in it for me as well.

As my wife is a Rabbit in the Chinese Horoscope this was an even cooler item for her and she loves it. If you have the time, check out her Blog and catch up with her after she gets back from a Japan (very envious right now). 

btw:  THANK YOU :)

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