Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hong Kong Halloween Treats Press Conference

As mentioned earlier , I attended the Hong Kong Halloween Treat Press Conference last Friday @ FullHouse , Sunway Giza . I cosplayed as Litchi Faye Ling from the game BlazBlue : Calamity Trigger ! ( note : Litchi is pronounced as Lychee ) It was fun and I get to meet all my lovelies !


I took a cab to Sunway Giza , which is a smart move because it's so jam and the cars could hardly move . Reached around 2pm , which is obviously too early . The press conference only starts at 4 pm . Waited for Jaq at a Japanese Restaurant which I forgot the name ( my bad ) , but it's opposite FullHouse and directly on top of Baskin Robins .


I have my cravings for Japanese food that I must satisfy ! * drools * The menu is drooling worthy and I felt like ordering all of them . ( *_______* ) I violated my diet rule , telling myself that it's okay ~that I can diet at night . . Which I didn't . * cough had Baskin Robins cough *


Green Tea .


AHA ! This is my pick : Deep Fried Chicken with Cheese . Comes with Tofu , Sashimi , Miso Soup , freshly cut platter of fruits and of course rice lah . Plus lots of veggie . The portion is quite big ! I didn't manage to finish all of it but it was worth my Rm 22.90 . ( > ______ < )


Nice or not ? I can't resist cheese . Cheese is good . * thumbs up *


* slurps * very fresh . Not a big fan of Sashimi , but this is good while it lasted .


Tofu . Nowadays I hardly eat any Tofu . This meal made me feel very healthy . I actually finished all the veggie ! Sounds slightly cheesy , but if my mum knows , she would be very proud . I ate veggie voluntarily . Hur hur hur ~


Jaq reached around 3 pm and both of us rushed to FullHouse to get ready ! Pardon for the lack of photos . I was busy stuffing my bloated self ( after a heavy lunch ) into my tight costume . Anyways , I never been to FullHouse before . This was my first time stepping in the restaurant itself and I was very impressed ! Everything is so white and elegant . Totally love the giant chandelier ~ The food they prepared was awesome too . My favourite would be the olio spaghetti , the corn soup and the cakes !


Jaq as Rachel Alucard . Aint she the cutest Alucard around ? * pinches princess's cheeks *


Rachel " The Princess " Alucard and Litchi Faye Ling !


Awesome Jack Sparrow . I used to have a crush on Jack Sparrow when I first watched the Pirates of The Caribbean ! * blushes blushes *


Very cute Chihiro from Spirited Away by Angeline ! * pokes pokes *


Ryukku and Momo that came later . But they are so cute that you will like bringing them home and huggles them . ( *______* ) I like cute people . Why are you two so cute one ? * super pokes cheeks *

There are many other lovely people that I didn't manage to get a picture with ! I know that I complained about this many times dy , but I seriously need a camera . ( =_____ = )





The press conference got me really hyped on visiting Hong Kong during the month of Halloween . All the Halloween themed food and drinks , the shopping experience , happening street parties where you can dress up and have fun ! Not forgetting the " spooktacular " experience Hong Kong 's hottest attraction spots like Disneyland , Ocean Park and Madam Tussauds can offer ! Aren't you tempted to visit Hong Kong for the Asia's biggest Halloween party ?

I sure do !

The voting is still on till the 6th of October ! Please do vote for me ~ ( > _____ < )


Just register as Animax member then click on the stars to vote ! Easy , no ?

Thanks for the votes people !





This are the freebies I got from Animax ! An umbrella , a notebook , Hong Kong pamphlets ,Animax KeyChain , Iphone Limited Edition cover and a Fairy Tail file . Did I mention that I'm a very big fan of Fairy Tail ? I've been chasing the manga for a very long time . It's so hilarious and entertaining ! My favourite character will definitely be Lucy Heartphilia . * plans on cosplaying her *

Guess what ? Animax will be airing the anime starting from 30 th December 2010 , every Monday to Friday @ 9.30 pm ! * omg super excited * Don't forget to tune in !

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