Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kamina and Yoko get Married!

This was something we all had hoped would have happened. It was a fairy tail in the making as we all know that they would of hooked up after the fighting and made little babies. We know that was not the case (sorry to spoil anything here for anyone).

With that said however, lets introduce Stacy & Christian. They were a lovely couple who were searching for the Figumate figures of Kamina & Yoko. I happen to of had both and was happy to let them borrow them for a while ~ Field Trip. Needless to say, they were on top of the world (figuratively of course).

To better help you understand what I mean, lets just go to the great shots that were taken of them for Stacy & Christian's Wedding Cake:

I have to say this was a quite imaginative way to celebrate ones nuptials and I loved the themed cupcakes as well. Not sure I have seen anyone use figures for their wedding cake as yet. I loved that they included 2 other figures of them as well. They look damn cute together.

4 Revolving Views
(can you read what it says as well?)

The Happy Newlyweds
(You have to love a Cosplay Wedding with a classic pose)

Cake Cutting Time

Both Kamina and Yoko are on their way back home now that the festivities are over. I am not sure they will be the same from such an exciting trip.

Here is wishing Stacy & Christian both a Happy and Healthy future together.

UPDATE: Both Yoko and Kamina have arrived safely home :)

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