Thursday, November 18, 2010

AFA X 2010

Sorry guys !

As I mentioned earlier , I didn't bring any camera so I really don't have much pix to share ( again ) Initially I wanna grab my B's camera and go but on second thought , it's not very wise to bring it because I can't carry it with me all the time . Being a cosplayer do have some restrictions . ( ;____ ; )

Anyways , I enjoyed my trip to Singapore this time . Much thanks to my dear Jac and her bf Amer for allowing me to stay with them ! *____* Plus , Frank and Aya have been really nice to us , giving us rides around and also bringing us out for dinner ~ :-) Jac , Masako and I also managed to have a photoshoot with Zerartul the night before AFA X itself !


AFA X Day 1 : Me as Sheryl Nome [ white bunny ver.]
Jac as Ranka Lee [ black bunny ver .]

Both our costumes are fully self-made by ourselves . I feel so happy that both of us managed to pull this off ~ This is Jac's first time sewing her own costume and she did it perfectly ! Love my costume to bits . . . Go Universal Bunny !


Much love to my Ranka-chan !


Our invincible sexy Sheryl [ black bunny ver. ] by Masako ! Nothing makes me happier than having a complete team ~ I'm one happy white bunny . ( >_____ < )


AFA X Day 2 : Me as Megurine Luka [ Love colored ward ver.]


With Jac as my Rin ! ( Miku and Meiko will be coming soon next year hur hur hur ) This costume were also self made by us ~ I'm pretty glad that my costume didn't fall apart this time cuz it's slightly tight . =p


We changed quite late so we were only in costume for 2 hours only . ( T_____T ) But I did get to meet new friends and many lovely people that I have been wanting to meet . * blush *

I'm glad that I went for May'n 's concert ~ thanks again to Frank for selling me his tix ! May'n was super awesome I tell you ! 8D I am so hyped to see her !! She is so cute and pretty in real life . . . gosh when she sang " Universal Bunny " LIVE , I teared up a bit . . . Not only that , she sang " Diamond Crevasse " and " Lion " too . * fangurls over her Macross songs * Why is Macross Frontier so awesomes ?






Hmmm ~ now that AFA X is over . . It's time to work on my CF plans . 24 more days to go ! ^^

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