Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day & Contest Winner

Happy Memorial Day to everyone. In the United States we celebrate today in memory of all the soldiers that have fought in wars and died for us. Though this originated around the US Civil War (1865) to commemorate those soldiers, it expanded to include all soldiers that died while in military service.

Some people spend the day placing flags on the graves of the fallen soldiers and visiting family and friends. Some town even hold parades while the politicians try to win supporters. It is a mixed bag sometimes, but mostly it is an extra day off for us to be with friends and family.

Now for the big news that I promised today. I had placed everyone on a separate sheet of paper, placed it into a bowl and held it high in the air. I had my son reach into the bowl and pick one piece of paper out (I did not look).

The winner of the WaqWaq Contest is . . . . Rapunzel

Congrats to the winner and I want to thank everyone for entering.

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