Friday, May 14, 2010

Review: Queen's Blade 1/8 Risty Figure

Lets change up the figure shots to one of our favorites - Queen's Blade Risty. Nothing says Loving like a Hot Muscular Babe with a Large Mace. This was a present to myself back during the Christmas Holidays.

I wanted a figure that more reminded me of a sculpture and this one definitely fitted the bill. The pose isn't bad, but I would of preferred something that didn't remind me of a "Runway Model". Still the details on this are stunning and the colors are great.

I have never seen a figure with so much muscular detail that was done correctly. She looks like an ass kicker without looking like a man-woman. Some of her clothes do come off and you can check the link at the bottom for those shots.

So without further a-do, lets get on to the show:

4 Rotating Poses

Random Shots

Infamous Pantsu Shot

For the Money shots, check out my ADULT figure shoots over at Finally Anime. These are NSFW pictures - ack!

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