Monday, May 3, 2010

Golden Week in Japan

It is a big "week" in Japan as many companies will close down for that time. This is due to the number of holidays in this time period and it just make sense to do that. Especially this week they are really actually back to back.

Here are the Holidays during this time
  • April 29th (Showa Day) - This is the birthday of the former Emperor Shouwa
  • May 3rd (Constitution Memorial Day) - the new Japanese Constitution was place into effect in 1947 on this day
  • May 4th ( Greenery Day) - during this day, they show appreciation for nature and all its greenery
  • May 5th (Children's Day) - this is a Japanese Boys festival (Tango-noSekku) and is also time to pray for the healthy growth of they young boys.
Talk about a damn busy time for them in Japan, no wonder they made this Golden Week. Not that I can take off :(

If you live in Japan, How do you celebrate this time?

Source: Japan-Guide

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