Wednesday, March 17, 2010


You know how I made that list before?

Well, with the demo finally released I can work on the actual game. Which means more MAPPING. But oh well, it must be done!
I'm currently still working on Forest of Despair but I'm almost done! Just got to put in a few more variable events and it's done. I'll work on the cave side-quest -later-.

I've only got a few maps to go, then it's back to city mapping- and unfortunately Tokyo isn't set out districts.

Keep in mind this is fiction and there is not going to be a Shibuya Station. Unless I call the subway that.
In anycase I'm not referencing any real cities while mapping because I am limited on tiles. And it'd be a great big pain in the kahiba!

Anyway, number of passengers required to be found has been reduced from fifteen to twelve.

I suggest avoiding multiple character groups (aka, the FoD boss fight, which puts the variable up by two) until the last minute, just in case there are any little rewards ;).

Now, back to work!

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