Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cola Shock - not for junior

This came out last year, but seems to be getting some new press. Cola Shock - not your kids drink. For those of you who are counting calories, then there is also a Zero version of the drink.

What we have here is a Mixed Alcoholic drink for those of us on the run. It has a mixture of coke with a splash of Vodka in it (about 5% alcohol). It seems to be running about 100 -150 yen per can which is not too expensive for a mixed drink. Kirin has created these drinks and is using Meisa Kuroki to promote this beverage. Hell, I would try it just because of her alone.

I can't taste test it here in the US, but I was able to find someone who did. Here is a direct quote from their testing:

"The taste was horrible to my tongue. It tasted like cola-flavored cough medicine. It seemed like someone mixed too strong cola syrup with some sort of alcohol and didn't carbonate it very much." Orchid64

I am sure they are using a generic coke flavor for the beverage which I have always hated the taste of myself. I am always amazed by the varity of drink and food mixtures that come out of Japan. One of my earlier blogs was about Kit Kats which still boggles my mind.

YouTube Ad for Zero

Source: Japan Probe | Japanese Snack Review | Kirin

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