Monday, March 22, 2010

Blog Review: AMR hits the Big Times

It is always great to see fellow Blogger's get invited by other sites to join them. It is nice to be recognized for the work you do. I myself will be on staff at It's Finally Anime which is a great opportunity for me as well. But this is not about me today, so lets get on with the review.

I have been following AMR for a while and enjoyed his reviews. For those of you who may not know, AMR is short for Anime Movie Review. This is run by a cool dude named Christopher Hitchcock.

He does some really funny video reviews of Anime he has watched. I loved his style because he is not serious and does go off the edge when he is doing the reviews. When I saw his review of Revolutionary Girl Utena, I was amazed by the presentation of it. Nothing serious, but just a review by a person who loves watching Anime. He is not doing these to get a few $$$ from the Distributors, but because he is genuinely interested in talking about them.

Now for the good news, he has been invited over to Anime3000 to do video reviews. He may not be able to keep up with his blog, but you will now be able to catch him over there. I think this is amazing since he just started his blog in December of last year. It just goes to show you that if you can find a niche in something you like, you will be able to find new opportunities just over the horizon.

I took a quick review of the site and it seems to be pretty cool. I has Anime, Manga and Gaming reviews as well as podcasts. I will have to research the site a bit more and may add it to one of my Blog Reviews.

Check it out and let me know your thoughts.

btw: Congrats to you Christopher on your new "job"!

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