Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dolly + Red Review

Ohai !

Haven't been updating my blog this week because I'm working on some projects lately and I can't find time to blog , log in Facebook or even play my favourite RPG ! * sweats * Today is Sunday so I took some time off and do a review on my second pair of Dolly + contact lens in Red !

If you haven't seen my Dolly + Brown review , it's here !


Today I'm also testing out the new costume that I made recently and trimmed my new wig for next month's photoshoot so yeah that explains why I'm in blue wig lol .


Dolly + Red

Size : 16.00 mm
Water Content : 55 %
Base Curve : 8.6
Duration : 1 year disposable



I'm so loving this lens ! I cannot explain why , but so far this is the most awesome red contact lens that I ever tried on ! The colour is so amazing and gives me this big dolly eyes which I can never achieve without it . Love the black thick rims around it * two thumbs up * It's highly recommended if you are interested in getting a pair of red lens !




Really glad that I choose to buy Dolly + Red because I'll be needing this for like three characters that I'm going to cosplay real soon ! * madly in love *


Dolly + Red ♥ ♥ ♥


This is one of the four costumes that I will be rushing to complete for the photoshoot in May ! My first time making pleats , a bit headache bout and didn't turn out the way I visualized it to be but next time I'll do better ! Can you guess what series is this costume from ?

( for those who knows it beforehand no need answer ok ? HAHA )

Do you guys happen to know any nice Blue Contact Lens that I can try ? Do comment ! ♥

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