Sunday, January 16, 2011

Harajukize NGC 8: Matsuri

For the 8th and the last NGC Event in 2010, we decided to make it all out Jap. So we conceptualized MATSURI (Japanese for 'Festival')

It was a succesful event last December 2010. Here are some outtakes!

Click HERE for the official blog post by Elerem.


The participants. It was colorful windy afternoon...exactly like in Japan during the Edo times.

The Shinsengumi with Ban, Metz, Kai, Romel, Vench, and Mac.

Emma, Paolo, and Elerem...SAMURAI X!

Von as Tamahome

Go Team Jugatsu!

Arigatou gozaimasu minna san for making Matsuri a success! See ya next year!

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