Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

It is Easter Sunday here in the US. We had fun on Friday night coloring eggs together. There were plenty of colors to use as you can see form the picture. We experimented with color creations and even mixed a couple up at the end to see what funky eggs we would get.

I have hidden the eggs for my son to find. We have 13 real eggs and 6 plastic ones for him to find. I will definitely counting the real eggs as I do not want to find one weeks or months later - ewwww O_o

Five out of the six plastic eggs will have Bakugan toys in them. I am sure he will be excited to find those. I hope that he does not stop hunting for the rest because he wants to combine them. I have also kept with the Easter theme and gotten him two "How to Train Your Dragon" eggs from Wal-mart. You just dissolve them in water to find a dragon inside. I hope that they are both different dragons as you can mix and match the parts together. I also got him another Bakugan, Peeps (marshmellow/sugar goodness), chocolate eggs and a Dragon.

Now I know that almost no one celebrates Easter in Japan. It is however a great time for the Cherry Blossom (Sakura) Festival. We do have some around my town, but Washington DC really has a grand setup.

What do I want to my easter basket ~ well this pic should give you a good idea. I am hunting wabbits -heeheehee.

Hope the Easter Bunny gives you treats and sweets.

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