Saturday, February 6, 2010

Winter Storm

Well not much happening around here this weekend. We are getting another Winter Storm here in the Mid Atlantic United States. We are suppose to be getting 16 - 24 inches of snow starting from yesterday afternoon to this afternoon. I hope my poor car does not get buried.

I decided to go out around 9:00 PM EST yesterday and it measured about 5 1/2 inches. I got the family out and we had our first official family snowball battle. I think overall it was a great time and there were no true winners as we had a blast.

Since we are all hunkered down and have plenty of food to last into next week depending on what really drops. We also have the Super Bowl on Sunday, so I needed to make sure we had stuff for that. I went to the library on yesterday to pick up some movies and Manga to last over the weekend.

I picked up xxxHolic volume 3 & 4 DVD's to catch up on them. I love how Yuko keeps poor Kimihiro under her thumb. If he just grows some balls, he will do well - poor guy is doomed otherwise. I also got Buso Renkin Manga , volumes 2 - 4. They have not had the first volume for several weeks, so decided to skip that one to get started. I was not sure if I was going to get this as the guy with the butterfly mask seems so wackied. But the story is interesting and I decided to pick it up.

How do you spend your time when the weather decides to keep you in the house?

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