Sunday, February 7, 2010

New "Sanctuary" at Home

We are almost done with the "Santuary". I really need to finish up the wall over my computer with some stuff. I need to get a wall scroll or something to fill in the dead space. If anyone has one that they are no longer using or need, let me know.

My side has figures, Manga, art books and my collection of original art portfolios. If you are an artist, let me know as I am always looking for new artwork to add to my collection. To see the collection, check out my site Green Dragons Den.

My wife's side of the world is full of Magic and Fantasy books. She is a big reader of Fantasy stuff and is constantly reading something. We both still have several boxes of books that we need to unpack, but we would need at least 2 more bookcases to do that.

Without further a-do, here are the shots that I have compiled for you.

Welcome to our Sanctuary

As we start panning from the left - nice closet

My Shelves and Bookcase
My Desk
My Wife's Desk and Bookcase
Futon and Artwork
Closeup of Figures

Do you have a nice "Sanctuary" that you can escape to?

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