Monday, January 25, 2010

CNN Spotlights Anime & Manga Schools

My wife was checking out CNN and found this article in the Living Section. It list schools that have specific degrees that are set to narrow down what you learn to a specific Field of study. They even use Bakugan as the photo for the article.

The two that got my attention were number 8 (Tokyo University of the Arts) for Anime and number 12 (Savannah College of Art and Design) for Manga / Comics. I think it is interesting that some Art colleges are seeing this as a available elective to have in their teachings. I am sure this is more about getting cash into their coffers, but still it is nice to see that it is getting some attention.

I actually went to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh way back in the early 80's. In my last semester we had a computer art class. To say it was archaic then is an understatement. One of our projects was to use MS Paint to create a 4 step animation movie. Those were the days - LOL.

Is there anyone considering or already enrolled in taking classes like these in your neck of the woods?

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