Tying Fortunes for the New Year

My New Year Resolutions:
- A New Job
- Watch more Anime
- Keep Blogging
- Spend Quality Time with the Family
This is probably my last post for the year 2009, so lets make it... cute!
Rikku, the bilingual, 15-year-old Al Bhed, is a talented theif who is somewhat childish, but also very cheerful and optimistic. She loves her cousin Yuna dearly and wishes to stop her from going through with her pilgrimage. She also informs Tidus of Yuna's fate when she summons her Final Aeon.
So cute this Yuna! And intersting shoes I might add. I really like her outfit in X more than X-2. Awesome work!
Both sent by Master Eraqus to seek out Master Xehanort and his cohort, Terra and Ven are the main protagonists of the Kingdom Hearts prequel, "Birth by Sleep". Terra bears a striking ressemblance to Todomarishi Shinsen from Kindom Hearts II Final Mix just as Ven does to Roxas.
Alright, readers who keep sending this in can please stop now! Terra is cosplayed by Courto and Ven is cosplayed by Akusesu from Deviant Art; photographed by Tony Quan. Really wonderful work! Great job guys!
This is probably the last unknown cosplay for the year. Wow, how long has it been since I started writing about cosplays? It's so nostalgic now that I think about it.
Anyway, pink haired girl with a black headband in an expensive looking school uniform... She's really pretty, and this is another image by photographer MPZero. I think I'll need to have sections for photographers too someday, but I have so many tags already that people might think it's confusing...
So! Any guesses? Please leave comments on this entry if you know who the cosplayer is or who she is cosplaying as!
EDIT: Thanks to FHead for commenting that she is Okuwaka Tsubomi from Strawberry Panic!
One of the main characters of To Heart's sequel, Lucy Maria Misora is actually an alien who can communicate with animals. Being an alien, she has many strange mannerisms, like raising her arms and speaking out "ru" that later becomes a trend as a silly way of greeting people, and refering to humans as "u". She uses matchsticks as currency and writes in Egyptian hieroglyphs.
She's so cute! I really like her pink hair. It's not shocking pink like most. Thanks to Hiroyuki for emailing this!
It seems like a tradition now to have Chi as the one who greets everyone.
Merry Christmas, minna-san!
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I forgot about this picture from Comiket, since I wasn't sure who she was at first, but I finally confirmed that this is from He Is My Master, Karauchi Anna!
Anna is actually bisexual and has a crush on Izumi. At first, she is attracted to Yoshitaka, but after Izumi's relentless efforts to make her stay away from Toshitaka, Anna mistook this as a sign of interest. She thus became one of Yoshitaka's maids in order to follow Izumi.
I guess it could be considered an honest mistake? Haha, thanks to Ojii-san for sending this!
Technorati tags: cosplay, cosplayer, holic, role, play, roleplay, costume, anime, manga, he, is, my, master, karauchi, anna, comiket, 2009, bisexual, sawatari, izumi, yoshitaka, nakabayashi, relentless, effort, stay, away, sign, interest, maid, follow, honest, mistake, ojii-san, コスプレ, コスプレイ, これが私の御主人様, 倉内, 安奈, 沢渡, いずみ, 中林, 義貴Prone to motion sickness and hopelessly obsessed with the collection of mana, Yuffie Kisaragi is the daughter of the leader of Wutai who wishes to return her country to its former glory, and not a mere tourist spot. In Advent Children, she helps Cloud and Tifa in the fight against Bahamut SIN. There is also a prequel novella "Case of Yuffie" which details about how Geostigma pread to Wutai and what Yuffie did to find a cure to help her people.
Cute cosplayer and really awesome weapon detail! Wonder how she got it to look so real? Thanks to Kon for sharing this!
EDIT: Thanks to anon for letting me know this is~13idiotbox or "Ice" from deviant art!