Sunday, December 13, 2009


Miri has officially been demoted.

I've realized just now that keeping her as one of the three 'main' members is foolish. In the original demo, Miri joined your party for the first proper leg of the game- the Alleyways. However, Miri doesn't participate until then in the new demo, either- and before you get to the alleys, you've got to first blow up the reactor, and only after that do you actually MEET Miri properly! (You encounter her briefly during the introduction- that hasn't changed much). Kumo isn't in your party unless you get him some travel sickness tablets during the Aeroplane level, and she's minding the camp during the Forest of Despair while Kumo and Levi track down the remaining aeroplane passengers. Plus, she only has about four different moments in the comic that center around her (though Kumo and Levi wouldn't beat Aio up if he hadn't punched her out) and Volumes 2 and 3 don't feature her at all.
Miri is a very main character- but so are Lulu, Kyer and Shadz. Lulu has had as much comic-screen time as Miri, in fact, and Kyer and Shadz aren't supposed to be featured, but they both play a main role. Kyer and Miri are basically on the same page- they both play the love interest. Miri is more the one resolving conflict while Kyer ends up causing a lot of it. In the end Miri is no more important or less important than those three other members, which means she should definitely not be featured in the title screen or the logo. She basically doesn't, anyway.

Besides, she in her original game was a side member anyway. She played no more important role than Barret except for being a love interest (and come on, you can almost slap Barret with that role -.-). There was the fact she was involved in Nibelheim- and that's no different on the flipside with Miri. However, Kumo and Levi were the main protagonists in their respective games, and as a result, they both play extremely significant roles in this game. Though Lulu would still be a member of Forest, Kyer and Miri would still be in LANDSLIDE with Warren trying to destroy Omniax and Shadz would still be a really creepy guy with way too much info for an 18 year old, it's Kumo and Levi who keep the story rolling. They keep it interesting. Plus, they were the first good guys to be infected with the Character Virus and as a result, infected everyone else. Without them, there would be no Cosplay Crisis- because there wouldn't be a crisis involving cosplaying. Miri and the rest wouldn't even be in Tokyo without them.

Thus, the new logo for Cosplay Crisis will not feature Miri. Plus, I couldn't think of a pose for her anyway.
(Kyrsty's CC party: Kumo, Levi, plus Kyer or Shadz =P)

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