Sunday, October 18, 2009

Play Magazine's: Girls of Anime, Volume 1

Girls of Anime, Volume 1 by Players Magazine. I decided to pick this up on a whim as the artwork inside was pretty cool. It had both Eureka and Anemone with their Mecha on the cover, so where could I go wrong.

It has a nice collection of the lovely ladies from various Anime inside with a brief intro for them. At the top of the page it also tells you the name of the Anime, the character being illustrated and the Distribution company. If it is done by a particular artist, you will usually see their name at the bottom somewhere. I am actually using this to possibly check out the anime for some of the girls. I am actually watching Vandread because of this.

What I also found odd was that they included Intron Depot Blades artwork and Shi from Dark Horse Comics. Though both have some great artwork, but I think they should of kept with the theme of "Girls of Anime".

I did notice a "couple" mistakes in this publication however. On the first double page layout of Rosette Christopher from Chrono Crusade, they listed the Anime title at the top as "Burst Angel". The page showing Ryumou is missing the information all together on the top (they do have her listed on the next page with Hakafu at least). Melody of Oblivion is missing ALL the character names (only has title and distributor). Najica Blitz Tactics has the Title and character name in reversed. Someone needs to give the Proof Reader(s) a smack on the back of the head for these really stupid misses / mistakes.

For a price of $9.95 + tax, it is a fair buy. I do look forward to the second volume (hopefully they take their time proof reading before publication).

Here are some scans of the cover and interior:




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