Saturday, October 24, 2009

Blog Highlight: Cosplay Holic

I think that everyone should have a few blogs that showcase the Cosplay world. This is one of my first blogs that I found that had Cosplayers.

There is a great selection of Cosplayers on her blog. What I liked is that she has a brief intro of the character they are portraying. There is one photo of the cosplayer that shows them in character. I only wish she had more that one picture of the person as some pictures does not fully show the costume. Some of these are so well done that I want to see more.

Not only does she showcase these Cosplayers, she is also a great Web Manga Artist. She has several sites that have her artwork. Whats cool is not only does she have a great story, but she also gives you some insight on what she drew in the panels you are looking at.

So take some time and check out not only this site, but her others as well.

Cosplay Holic
Kurohiko: A.illusions

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