Saturday, October 31, 2009

Silent Hill 2: Pyramid Head

The existence of Pyramid Head is tied directly to the subconscious of the game’s protagonist, James Sutherland. These creatures represent the both the punisher and victim of the crime, in this case, James’ repressed anger and desire to be punished for the death of his wife. They also function as the executioner of Maria and the tormentor of James.

silent hill 2 cosplay - pyramid head

From what I researched about this character, it’s not exactly something my Sanriotown Readers might like to hear. It’s not even something I like to hear, so I had to tone down the character history a bit. Really nice shot though, and I didn’t notice he was in a parking lot until I took a second look. Great work!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Taking a Break - Family Time

I will be leaving for a trip up North to see my family for a week. Need to get ready for the cold weather as well. Spent about $60 on getting some long sleeve shirts and such. Not sure it will be snowing, but I hope not as I have to fly into a couple cities before getting to my final destination.

I hope to be back to normal blogging by the end of next week - not sure as might be exhausted from visiting my family. I am hoping that I will even have some pics for ya!

Here are some lovely winter pics for your enjoyment while I fly out this morning:

Yeah well...

Ok so maybe I haven't gotten a lot done game wise lately, life at home has been nuttier than a Cornetto D:.

Dad just getting home from his back surgery and the fact we've got a house inspection this Friday is doing my head in.

So I've stuck to drawing my comic in my free time because it doesn't require a computer.

But I have done some stuff, such as spriting McDonalds, finishing the recolour of Ruby's stand pose, and drawing and colouring her face set.

The McDonalds is for the new airport scene. With how much I'm going over and redoing for the next demo release, the entire thing is probably going to be different o_O.

I have changed just about every scene- and redone a lot (I mean A LOT) of the maps, including Kumo's house, which has been re-evented as well. The short, rushed airplane scene will be replaced by an entire new level consisting of the use of Levi and his Revolver to liberate the plane from a bunch of terrorists. Kumo doesn't join in because a. he has no weapon and b. he's got motion sickness.

Also, the characters do not change into their cosplays until they reach Tokyo and stay overnight in a hotel. They then try to catch a taxi, but it rips them off and they end up in the Alleys, where you need to find the key to the gate so you can catch the Subway to the Fairgrounds.

Battle Circle has been re-evented, no corny dialogue with Arithial.

So yeah, basically the entire thing has been gone over and changed. Even the scene after Kumo wakes up.

And I will be editting the scene where Levi 'meets' Kyer and Shadz, though he has met them before in Volume 2 of Cosplay Crisis: School Yard, however no names are mentioned.

Now, to abandon you with some more art D=

Sailor Stars: Princess Kakyuu

sailor stars cosplay - princess kakyuuThe princess of Kinmoku who escaped to earth when Sailor Galaxia attacked, Princess Kakyuu is said to smell of sweet osmanthus, which is the recurring motif of her design. There are different versions with regards to her storyline in the anime and manga, but she is similar to Sailor Moon as she also has her own senshi, the Sailor Starlights.

The cosplayer looks like a doll in this photo. I’m guessing proper make-up and lighting gave that effect. Beautiful work!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Anime Releases 10/27

Here are the releases for today (10/27) at your local Video, Book Stores or the infamous Amazon website in the US. I only review Movies and Box Sets that are coming out as this will get the most bang for your buck. I did "borrow" the summaries from various sites so you can get a brief review of the story.

This kind of a quiet week for sets. My only personal choice is for Shonen Onmyouji Complete Series as I have been watching this. I find the connection between son, father and grandfather a nice one. They all get along and interact well with one another - most of the time. I tried to watch Boogiepop Phantom, but jumped off the train after 4 episodes. The yuri overtones at times is what got me interested, but did not get into it after watching it. I have not catched it yet, but Claymore may be of interest to me. Will have to check out a couple episodes before deciding.

There were 3 adult animes that came out as well: Wife-Swap Diaries, Nurse Me! and Sibling Secret (I think this is a re-release from 2004).

Anthing here on your list of buys this week?


Boogiepop Phantom/Boogiepop and Others Collection
The complete 12-episode TV series, plus the live-action film that serves as its prequel! ive years ago, a string of grisly murders shook the city to its core. Now terror has returned, and this time it has a name: Boogiepop. Everyone knows about Boogiepop: death incarnate, she stalks the night in search of fresh victims. Meet her, and you simply... vanish.

Claymore Complete Collection
A brutal scourge stalks the land. Yoma, monsters driven by a hunger satisfied by only one quarry: Humanity. The dark breed knows but a singular foe: Claymore. Human-Yoma hybrids of extraordinary strength and cunning, the Claymores roam from skirmish to skirmish delivering salvation by the edge of a blade. Thus begins the twisting tale of Clare, one such sister of the sword driven by pain in both victory and defeat.

Little Snow Fairy Sugar Complete Collection 1
Season Fairies create and control the weather using special musical instruments. They make the wind blow, the snow fall, the sun shine; if it's something weather related, they are the ones who make it happen. Sugar, an apprentice Snow Fairy, and her friends Salt and Pepper, all want to become full-fledged Season Fairies, and the only way to achieve this is to search for and find the "Twinkles" that will make their magical flowers bloom.

Popotan Complete Collection
Three sisters journey through time and space in search of the one man who can answer the riddle of their existence. The girls make many new friends along the way, always leaving a smile in their wake.

Shonen Onmyouji Complete Series
Abeno Masahiro is the grandson of the great sorcerer Abeno Seimei. Unfortunately for him, his grandfather did such a great job in the past, he really hasn't had a need to perform any magical duties and as a result, Masahiro lost his sixth sense and the ability to see spirits. One day, a demon drops from the sky and proclaims that Masahiro must continue his grandfather's work and learn to be an Onmyouji regardless of the dangers that await him!

Source: Mania

Paradise Kiss: Sakurada Miwako

paradise kiss cosplay - sakurada miwakoUnbelievably sweet and cute, Miwako is the younger sister of Kousa Mikako, the antagonist from the author’s other series, “Gokinjo Monogatari”. She works with Koizumi Joji to create their own brand known as Paradise Kiss. She tends to be childish in her unique manner of speaking and her choice of lolita dresses.

This is just too cute, and so much like Miwako. Too bad we can’t see her face with this pose. Great work!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday's Haul - Tate's Halloween Sale 2

I went back in the morning to sift through all the other items. Like I figures, it was almost a Ghost Town. only a handful of people and that was just fine for me. I can not take my time review the Manga, DVD's and Graphic Novels. I just took a glance at the figure boxes as I know that they were pretty much picked over yesterday.

This time I only came away with some Manga and a signed Graphic Novel. Everything below cost me $20, but if I went to a retail store, this would of been like $79.88. Not a monstrous saving like yesterday, but a good saving never the less.

Here is a listing of what I got:

Graphic Novel
Telos: Kindred Spirits vol 2, signed by both the artist and writer

For Me
Burst Angel 1 & 2
King of Bandits Jing 1

For my Son
Dragon Drive 1
Beyblade 1 & 2
Bakugan Battle Brawlers

I am happy to have gotten some more books for my son. He is not the best at reading at times, but with stuff he like, he is getting better at reading.

I did manage to snatch some more Japanese drinks and food while I was there. They have these cool Fanta Soft Drinks that you put in the freezer for 4 hours and you have a slushie in a plastic bottle ($2.95/bottle). I got the Grape, Orange and Lemon. I have yet to try the Lemon, but the other 2 are really sweet. (I had already started on the Orange when I took this picture - LOL).

Almost forgot, I did a trade at the store and got Yoko to complete my trio set from Gurren Lagann.

Vampire Knight: Kurenai Maria and Yuki Cross

vampire knight cosplay - kurenai maria and yuki crossA distant relative of Hio Shizuka, Maria acted as her vessel when she infiltrated Cross Academy. Once there, she told Yuki she had the secret to keep Zero from falling into level E, and in order to gain that secret, she must do one of two things: sacrifice herself, or kill Kuran Kaname.

You can probably guess what Yuki chooses in this photo. Both of them have really well-made dresses too, but didn’t Yuki give that rose on her choker to Zero? Great work still! Thank you for uploading this!

Birdy the Mighty: Birdy Cephon Altera

unknown cosplay 035It wouldn’t be a long shot to say I have no idea where this character is from. Frankly, she could be from a Marvel Superhero Comic, and that still wouldn’t narrow things down.

The outfit looks really difficult to move in though, with the side open like that. Private, professional, photo shoot probably?

Any guesses would be appreciated, thank you!

EDIT: Thanks to Blue Drakon for commenting this this Birdy Cephon Altera!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Blog Highlight: Cosplay Holic

I think that everyone should have a few blogs that showcase the Cosplay world. This is one of my first blogs that I found that had Cosplayers.

There is a great selection of Cosplayers on her blog. What I liked is that she has a brief intro of the character they are portraying. There is one photo of the cosplayer that shows them in character. I only wish she had more that one picture of the person as some pictures does not fully show the costume. Some of these are so well done that I want to see more.

Not only does she showcase these Cosplayers, she is also a great Web Manga Artist. She has several sites that have her artwork. Whats cool is not only does she have a great story, but she also gives you some insight on what she drew in the panels you are looking at.

So take some time and check out not only this site, but her others as well.

Cosplay Holic
Kurohiko: A.illusions

Saturday Haul - Tate's Halloween Sale

This weekend is Tate's Halloween Sale. This is one of 2 Mega Sales that they have each year. It is a great event and the savings can be enormous if you find what you want.

It started at 10:00am today and I was there waiting for the Mega Horn announcement that it was open. Not only is this great for Otaku, but also Comic Book Fan's. I can say that I did not get anything that I was looking for, but what I found was great.

My Haul

What you see is everything with the exception of some Wasabi Chips and drinks. Some of this was for my son of course (Bionicle, GPX Super Formula DVD set and the Basilisk). You can see that a couple items were damaged. But as this was for such a cheap price, who cares. The stuff in the picture only cost me $82 (not including tax). I decided to see what it was retail and it came out to whopping $596.67 (not including tax).

Here is a full list from the photo:

Magical Knight Rayearth DVD Memorial Box #2 (eps 21 - 49)
Future GPX Cyber Formula Complete Collection

Manga / Comics
Gunsmith Cats Revised Editions 1 - 4
The Umbrella Academy Book & Figure Set (book dented and warped, but figure was fine)

Bionicle Axalara T9 USED (assembled, but everything there)
McFarlane's Fantasy Series 1 - Basilisk
Aflodai - Repainted Version
Aflodai - Hong Kong Version

I plan on heading out tomorrow at 10:00am to see what is left over. It was hot and crowded as hell today, but well worth the time in line. I hope to see if there is anything else there and hope I can actually get more stuff.

If you are in the South Florida area, you have to check it out!

Dead or Alive: Kasumi 02

dead or alive cosplay - kasumi 02Known as "the Kunoichi of Destiny”, Kasumi is a skilled ninja trained in the Mugen Tenshin Style of Ninjutsu and was to become the 18th Master of her clan. Instead, she ran away to enter the Dead or Alive tournament in order to defeat Raidou, the person responsible for crippling her brother, Hayate. This decision labeled her as a nukenin, a runaway shinobi, obligating her to run from her former comrades who must hunt her for her treacherous act.

Beautiful cosplay! I think there was a PVC figure with the same pose. I really love her long hair. Thank you for sharing this! And if anyone knows who the cosplayer or photographer is, do leave me a comment!

EDIT: Thanks to Miss Reita for the information! This is the Italian cosplayer Giorgia, and you may find all of her photos in her website.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Anime Review: Blassreiter

I said I would review this for everyone when I noted it was on sale this week. I had to check it out myself to see if it was worth the $44.99 to get (Episodes 1-12).

It is 24 episodes long and is set in Germany. It has a lot to do with Motorcycles which makes on wonder if it was financed by one of them. The title of the series literally means "Pale Rider" and it was put out by Gonzo.

It pretty much starts of with a motorcycle race that ends badly when a Demoniac attacks some of the drivers. The Demoniac was actually a dead lady that came to life as one of these creatures. It gets even more bizarre when this creature fuses with one of the bikes (these guys are called Amalgams). The creature ends up chasing one of the main characters named Gerd. Just when you think it can't get worse, another rider shows up that looks like another Demoniac, but this one takes out the other Demoniac.


We end up seeing Gerd in a accident right after this fight. As it turns out, he lost his ability to walk, so he can no longer ride. A hot female doctor comes along and offers him a pill that will "fix" him. So of course after loosing everything he takes the pill and ends up being able to transform into one of those monsters. Makes you wonder now about the other guy who showed up on the race track.

Take the pill Gerd

Just another pretty face pushing pills

Gerd as the White Rider

There is also a military/police group that is fighting them called Xenogensis Assault Team or XAT for short. As it turns out, one of Gerd's former race buddies named Hermann is on that team. Hermann has some crossed feelings when he see's Gerd is the White monster.

Gerd does encounter the Blue Rider that also seems to be fighting the Demoniac's. We find his character can also change back to a human and may even be from an entirely different dimension.

 Blue Rider


Opening and closing songs are well done and picture collage is well choreographed. The is definitely a lot of CGI in this as the fight scenes show. They do tend to get fairly graphic when fighting as well. I think there is too much human interaction with relationships at times. We see several parts that are just each of the characters interacting in the story that does not always make sense.

I think the story is a bit over worked with too many cross characters that really have no need to be in this.The graphics are really stunning, but other than that, I can leave it on the shelf.

It gets pretty predictable at times because you can follow the actions fairly closely. I am planning on continuing to watch just so I can understand who this mysterious Blue Rider is and if he is from some sort of demon dimension or something.

Because of this, I am not planning on purchasing it. It is to "OK" for my tastes right now.

Overall Rating: C

Hunter x Hunter: Killua Zoldyck

hunter x hunter cosplay - killua zoldyckSeemingly nothing more than your typical, rich, spoiled boy, Killua is actually a ruthless killer who can be extremely violent and bloodthirsty. He was tortured since birth, conditioning his body to withstand poison, electricity, and pain. Despite the troublesome childhood, he can be cheeky and mischievous. And he loves his sweets.

There’s something odd about this picture. I think someone threw a yellow tint over the original image, but I’m not entirely certain. It’s a very nice cosplay though. Great work!

What does Windows 7 and Burger King have in common?

Answer: The number 7 (as in the number of burgers on a sandwich)

A friend of mine sent me this link and I thought it was interesting. It looks like BK is in line to soak up some of the Windows 7 hype this week. They  added a new burger to their menu - for one Week only.

Now this is a burger to send you the emergency room in a "heart beat". The first 30 customers get it a 777 yen ($8.55 USD), after that it is 1450 yen($17.10 USD) per person.

How in the hell is someone suppose to put that in their mouth!

Source: Engadget

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Naruto: Nara Shikamaru

naruto cosplay - nara shikamaruHighly unenthusiastic and prefers to go through life in stride, Shikamaru often takes naps and plays strategy games like shogi and go. Despite his portrayed laziness, his teacher, Sarutobi Asuma, determined that his IQ was over 200.

Even though he doesn’t like bossy women due to his preference, he has expressed his interest in marriage and eventually having a family of his own with a son and daughter.

Personally, the hair really did it for me. I wish I had a larger image though. Thank you for sharing this!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Targets Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen DVD Set

Just when you think you have seen it all with DVD cases. Target has gotten my attention and $26.99 for this little Collector Special Edition. This is also in Blu-ray if you have the player.

I saw this in the Sunday paper and know I had to have it. I love the Transformers and would of gotten the movie anyway. I guess you can say this is a "Figure" post as well.I was trying to figure out how the DVD's were in the case, but this was a smart design with the disc holder on the back.

There are a couple inserts as well. One is by Chevy about the entering a chance to win 2 cars. The other is about an on-line interactive games and to see a Holographic 3D rendition of Optimus Prime (?).

I know that this has gotten some mixed review, but it was still an awesome move to me. OK - honestly I got it just to see Megan Fox in a leather biker outfit - meowwwwww kitten!

Have you seen the movie and what were your thoughts?

For you viewing pleasure, here are some shots for you of mine (and probably be taken by my son).

In the Box

Inside contents of the Box

DVD Case Front

DVD Case Back

DVD Case Back Open Showing DVD's

Fully Folded Out Figure

Source: Target

Onegai My Melody: Kurumi Nui 03

onegai my melody cosplay - kurumi nui 03The Cinderella of the story who did not have her happy ending, Kuromi cast a spell on herself so that she could have one night to dance with her prince: Hiiragi Keiichi. However, this spell had one small condition: she must return to the spell casting circle before all the magical candles blew out or she would turn into the one thing she despises most… that is to say, a tapir like Baku.

This is just amazing. It looks like her dress is made of leather, and she may have used a real rose on her hair. Love her blue eyes the most though, great job!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Anime Releases 10/20

Here are the releases for today (10/20) at your local Video, Book Stores or the infamous Amazon website in the US. I only review Movies and Box Sets that are coming out as this will get the most bang for your buck. I did "borrow" the summaries from various sites so you can get a brief review of the story.

Well besides the Transformer being released today as well. there are some good Anime's joining the fields this week.One I had not heard of was Blassreiter and I had to check it out. I managed to watch a couple of the episodes and think it may be a keeper (B Rating). I will be doing a full review later this week.

Other cool Anime are some Escaflowne ( Movie and Vision of) and Comic Party Revolution. Also this week there is Discode 1.2.3 (Adults Only) and a nice Cat-Boy series called Loveless. It is an interesting mix this week with Clannad and Comic Party Revolution as well. I am sure there is something here for just about anyone this week!

Anything from the list below a possible purchase this week?

A blood-born plague races across Germany, giving life to mechanized monsters who are hell-bent on making a bloody mess out of anyone in their path. Known as Demoniacs, these creatures have the perverse ability to meld with technology and wield it as an extension of their uncontrollable cyber rage. Standing in their way is civilization's last hope for a savior.

Clannad After Story Collection1
The first half of the story takes place primarily at a high school in Japan, which is the best school in the city. Outside of the school, frequented locations include the bakery run by Nagisa's parents, and the dormitory where Youhei Sunohara lives. Throughout the story, glimpses into an Illusionary World are shown. This world is devoid of all life except for a young girl, though she later makes a body out of junk pieces through which the player can interact with her.

Comic Party Revolution Complete Collection
Kazuki, Taishi, and all their crazy cohorts are back and getting into all kinds of misadventures. Manga and madness abound as these college students navigate the otaku subculture of doujinshi. Life is a joke for this crew, but not every day can be a Comic Party. A break in the laughter spells trouble, and this gang of chuckle-heads passes the time with some hot springs action, a whacked out tennis tournament, and a camping trip that ends in a deadly duel!

Discode 1.2.3
Going through life is hard enough for a coed at her sexual peak in an academy full of horny boys, but it's even harder when she's got horny boy parts of her own. Miss Futaba finds it hard to sit quietly in class when something down there keeps her too distracted to think straight.

Escaflowne the Movie (Blu-ray)
Hitomi Kanzaki is tired of life. Depressed and despondent, she wishes that she could just fade away, to make the pain of living stop hurting. Her pain resonates with another on the world of Gaia, and when her wish is granted, she fi nds herself in a strange land. She is greeted as the legendary Wing Goddess, with the power to summon the legendary Escaflowne.

Ghost Hound Complete Collection 1
The series is set in the modest town of Suiten, located in a remote mountain region in the island of Kyūshū, and follows three boys who have each had traumatic encounters in their childhood and learn to transfer their souls into a parallel world known as the "Unseen World". The Unseen World is however undergoing a change, with its ghosts starting to appear in the real world, which is therefore also being subject to changes.

Loveless Complete Slim
On his first day at his new school, twelve-year-old Ritsuka Aoyagi met a mysterious twenty one year-old male named Soubi Agatsuma. He claims to be a good friend of Ritsuka's brother, Seimei, who had been murdered when Ritsuka was ten years old. Upon the inspection of Seimei's abandoned computer files, Ritsuka discovered that an organization called 'Seven Moon' was responsible for Seimei's death.

Vision of Escaflowne (Super Legends Edition)
Hitomi Kanzaki is a typical high school girl, with typical high school problems. But when a vision of a young man battling a dragon becomes a reality, her life changes forever.Drawn into a strange vortex with the swordsman, Van, Hitomi is thrust into the strange world of Gaea. Entangled in a struggle over life and death, Van must learn to master the suit of armor, Escaflowne.

Source: Mania
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