Sunday, September 20, 2009

Blog Highlight: Angry Mimi

Time to highlight another Blog from my Blog Roll > Angry Mimi

Don't let the title give you a scare, she is just someone who says what is on her mind. I have to say that most of the time, she it right. My first exposure to her was a blog she wrote titled "The Psychology of Otaku". It was an interesting assessment of what the mental state of a Otaku person was and had a really cool pic. I did not reply as I was quite taken back by what she wrote - umm - it struck a cord with who I was. >>> Need my medication now - why the fuck are there child proof lids on these damn things, can't get the Prozac out fast enough - ahhh now that's better > LMAO!

She is currently in college at MIT < envy here! Much of her writing now is of life there on campus. It makes interesting reading and a nice intro for those of you still in high school. I sure do miss my college days of weekend parties and jamming Sunday night on all our assignments before class on Monday. I think I left several brain cells in my dorm room as well.

Please take a look over and enjoy a good read. I especially enjoyed the psychology series.

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