Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Argh I drained myself on the demo....
I can't work on it right now, I'm too desperate for Dissidia. I can't even THINK about working on this game. Plus most work I have to do next is spriting and I hope I'm not the only one who finds it draining. Also I always have my nose rubbing against the frickin' screen while doing it because of my short-sightedness.

Oh and by the way...this is the actual demo link:

Play it! Tell me your thoughts! =D.

About a lot of the character art, they will be redrawn. Especially early ones such as Kumo, Levi, and Miri's full-body shots.
I'll also be doing a 'promotional poster', not for the fun of it but to say thanks for 1000 views on DevArt. Nehehehe ^_^

My DevArt for those interested. The so-far digitized pages of Cosplay Crisis can be seen as well as other artwork. Check it out ;)

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