Saturday, July 2, 2011

PD2 : Spacy Nurse Miku Photoshoot Preview

Hello guys ~

Did a photoshoot with Raz yesterday for my Project Diva 2nd : Spacy Nurse costume before I can finally retire this costume ! ^^ Previously I did a video shoot for this costume with 13 other lovely Mikus so I didn't really get much photos for this . Plus I attended C2AGE Day 1 wearing this costume with a super fail make-up that I feel like digging a hole to hide . /fail

Here's a preview for the photoshoot I had ! :


( I know right , my capsule is made out of sequins so it's extremely shiny and super bling * v * )

Right now I'm pretty hooked on Supernatural ( yeah the infamous Sam and Dean ) Yes I know I'm like a few years late for the fandom but this series is really good ! . . . and I can't concentrate on picking photos from this shoot because I'm distracted by the show lololol

Will post up all the photos by tonight ! 8-D * hopefully *

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