Wednesday, March 23, 2011

23rd March 2011

Haven't been doing any shoot this month and I'm itching to cosplay again ! My sewing machine finally died on me last month , spent bout Rm 100 ++ to fix it but was not motivated enough to produce any costumes . I am super lazy to even touch my sewing machine becuz I'm so scared that it'll get spoiled again . FML ! Electronic devices are so fragile sometimes .

Received almost all the wigs I ordered so I did a little make up / wig test today !


Top left - right : Anarchy Panty , Anarchy Stocking
Bottom left - right : Megumi Shimizu , Sakine Meiko


Watched Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt since early January this year and been hooked since then . I guess this is the only anime that I can watch repeatedly but never get bored of it yet . I'll be doing several versions of Panty this year with my lovely partner as Stocking !


I also bought a Stocking wig . Lolololololol . I know that I'm too tall to be Stocking , but please bear with me . There's this one costume that I really wanna make ( omg why Stocking your costumes so prettttyyyy ?? ) so after cosplaying it I would probably let go of this wig soon . D-:


A wig that Mbek helped me buy during her holiday in KK . I'm so glad that I decided to buy this wig because it's so soft and beautiful ! Did a test for Meiko ( Vocaloid ) ~ I've always been choosing Luka over Meiko so I guess I will be trying several versions for her too ? =)


Okay this is why I do not want to watch anymore new animes . I fell in love with this character when I watched Shiki . * enjoice * I often complain that I do not have any characters to cosplay besides Luka and Sheryl but after watching a few animes made me feel like cosplaying so many characters ! I've added so many " sudden" plans to my list this year ~ Let's hope that I can clear all of it before I start on new projects yeah ?

From April onwards till December , I will have to sew like crazy . There will be like 37478483793 plans in between ! Okay , I might be exaggerating a little , but it's so packed that I don't know how can I finish it . * sigh * But ! I'm truly in love with all the plans that I promised myself or my cosplay partners ! Will work harder ! * fires up *






Anyways ,


Guess what Twurdie's doing !

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