Thursday, February 24, 2011

Acrylic Display Stands Part Duo

We went back on Sunday and got more of these display stands (Acrylic Display Stand) for my figure cases. I wanted more of the large ones, but no such luck as only had 3 that I spotted. I did get more of the medium and small ones to try to use as building blocks.

I used all but 2 medium ones and will be going back this weekend for more. I promised my son some of the small ones, but I actually used them all :(

Here is the before and after shots of my other display case:

Before and After

More After Shots

I am really happy with how these all turned out and for less than $20 USD, it worked out well.

One of the things that sucked is that my Shin Musha Gundam fell apart when I was moving him. You can see him missing from the After shot showing the full case. For those that just joined in to me, I had an issue with this a while back. To get the details, check out this Blog Review - Gundam Fix Figuration #0035.

Needless to say, I need to super glue a shoulder joint part so the one side does not fully break off entirely. !@#$%^&*()_

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