Friday, November 27, 2009

Queens Blade Rebellion Yuit Figure

As promised on Wednesday, here is my photo shoot with the Queens Blade Rebellion Yuit figure. I tried to give her a cool background in the park at my apartment complex. I had a blast, but needed to move some benches around and get the body guards to get the damn Ants out of the way.

For such a small figure, she has a lot of detail. There is not stand associated with this figure as her cloak helps with that. You can take the cloak off and she still stands fairly well. Besides the cloak and key necklace, her dress is also removable. She does have painted ivy underwear, but is topless. You can see that in some of my more "adult" shots below.

It is a little difficult to get her out of her cloak due to how the metal wiring that goes across her. I did have to move it around a bit so the dress did not get caught when I took her cloak off. The dress also is removable and has 2 pegs on each side that keep it together. It is a little fun to get the dress back on however due to the pegs on the one side between her underarm and hand. The other side is easy because her pointing arm come off.

She has quite a demanding stance, but I really wish they made a Vante figure to go with this - HINT HINT!

Now without further a-do, here is Yuit's photo shoot,

NOTE: Photos not ready for Prime Time or Work views







The End - Literally

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