Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Space Elevator - a Reality?

How many Anime's have we all watched with the infamous Space Elevator? It is destroyed or fought over by warring factions to the dismay of the general public.

Well hold onto your Gunpa, here is the reality. It seems that there are actually some people wanting to get this idea off the ground. I ran across an article yesterday at MSNBC that was titled "Space elevator faces reality".

Here is an excerpt from the article:

"We don't have all the questions, let alone all the answers," Michael Laine, head of the LiftPort Group, told an audience of about 50 people on Saturday during the 2009 Space Elevator Conference on Microsoft's campus in Redmond, Wash.

Here is a site that has an actual countdown to the day > LiftPort Group

Conceptual View by NASA

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