Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bakugan for his Birthday

Well today my Son made it another year to another birthday. Not sure he would considering his attitude at times. We had gotten him some newer Bakugan this past weekend to celebrate his upcoming birthday. What a surprise to me when I was rummaging through our closet that I found an old 6 pack box of them.

Birthday Gift
So we have one last thing to give him today. I am sure to hear however that he "already has these" and "these are the smaller ones". But I am sure he will take them anyway. He can trade them with his friends if he does not need them.

Here is an excerpt from Wiki on the background history: "The story centers on group of friends who find metallic cards which have fallen from the sky. They name themselves the Bakugan Battle Brawlers and consist of eight children: Dan, Shun, Runo, Marucho, Julie, Alice,and later Masquerade and Joe Brown. Together they learn more about the origin of Bakugan, the game involving them and battle against the antagonists Hal-G and Naga."

Here is an excerpt from the Bakugan site: "Bakugan Battle Brawlers are action-figure warriors, that are tucked into spheres that pop open when they're rolled onto a game card, where they gather points."

Pretty much each Bakugan is in marble form and when they are rolled across a card with a piece of metal in it, they pop open - BAM! Then you take the "G" points on the figure and start to add or subtract from the card they rolled on. But wait, you have regular cards that you can use with Special effects to boost your Bakugan. Pretty much if my son wants to play with you, he has already stacked his deck in favor of himself and gives you the low points ones.

Here are 6 from his current collection
Here is a closeup of one of the them
Here is a hard to find "Trap" Bakugan
Here are some of the Metal and Regular Cards

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