Sunday, May 31, 2009

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Ayanami Rei 05

neon genesis evangelion cosplay - ayanami rei 05Actually, I’m not sure whether this is intended to be a cosplay of Ayanami Rei or Ikari Yui.

You see, Rei is only a human vessel, something created in order to contain a soul. She was created by Gendo who had lots his wife during a test experiment on an Eva Unit. Yui disappeared, and it is said her soul resides in Eva.

With such a hair color, this cosplayer appears to be more like Yui than Rei, but I don’t recall Yui wearing a plug suit, so I think Rei would be more suitable. Beautiful cosplay!

Yoko from Gurren Lagann

Full Name: Yoko Littner
Village: Ritona

Specialty: Sharp Shooter using long Rifle
Appears in: Gurren Lagann (Anime & Manga)

For any red-hot blooded boy, Yoko is a dream come true. She is smoking hot and knows how to fire a "gun" with amazing accuracy. She is independent, smart, but also has a soft side to her that she hides. Even when she looses the man she loved, she turns it around and keeps moving forward. Hell, any woman that can walk around in a bikini top, short shorts and boots everyday is on my list.

It is interesting seeing how she evolves throughout the anime. From a simple gun toting wild woman to a soft hearted woman to a fiery Hells Angel to a simple school teacher back to an arse kicking lady to Space Woman to Teacher again in the end - wow.

I have gathered some shots of her in the anime, some artwork by others, girls cosplaying as her and statues.

Yoko at the begining of Series

Oops - how embarassing

Yoko as a Teacher

Going back to Shooting Gunman

Space Yoko - WOW!


Boota - you are so lucky!

TWINS > oh my!

Cool Figurines

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Queen's Blade Reina 2P

Group: Queen's Blade
Name: Reina (2P)
Manufacturer: MegaHouse
Scale: 1/8
For more information on the figure > Tsuki-Board

Picked this up off the sale HLJ was having. The major difference between the P1 and P2 is the hair and armor color. She has an interesting pose, and not sure if I could hold that sword at that angle for too long. She had 3 additional accessory straps that you added onto the figure to give it more of a flowing style. You actually have to take her head and clothes off to get some additional plastic wrapping off.

Took a while to figure out to remove her clothes as not as easy as Echidna. I had to remove her Head and hand to get it all off. Here are the shots I took of her with clothes on and off.

Okay Kids > now get your parents approval before viewing!

Now go wash your hands . . .

Friday, May 29, 2009

Presents from Japan - YEAH!

Well I got my last shipment from Hobby Link Japan from that HUGE Sale they are having. I really want to get more - waaaaaa. We only have one income currently, so need to lock the wallet shut for now. On yeah, forgot they are are also having a 1st Year Anniversary Sale with the one mentioned above - dammit! So much on sale and no funds to snag them - curse you evil recession.

Whats in the box dude?
Not a whole lot in the box, but some of these I have wanted for a while. I decide to pickup the following to satisfy my lust for figures for now:
  • Pinky #01: Nazuna
  • Pinky #02: Mayura
  • Queen's Blade Reina 2P Color Version
  • Clamp in 3D Land, Version 5 - 1 Box of 10
The total with shipping EMS to me was $105 USD. I am hoping to sell the duplicated figures from the Clamp in 3D Land for $20 to bring the cost down. I will have a write up for Reina like I did for Echidna this weekend.

This is what was in the box!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bakugan for his Birthday

Well today my Son made it another year to another birthday. Not sure he would considering his attitude at times. We had gotten him some newer Bakugan this past weekend to celebrate his upcoming birthday. What a surprise to me when I was rummaging through our closet that I found an old 6 pack box of them.

Birthday Gift
So we have one last thing to give him today. I am sure to hear however that he "already has these" and "these are the smaller ones". But I am sure he will take them anyway. He can trade them with his friends if he does not need them.

Here is an excerpt from Wiki on the background history: "The story centers on group of friends who find metallic cards which have fallen from the sky. They name themselves the Bakugan Battle Brawlers and consist of eight children: Dan, Shun, Runo, Marucho, Julie, Alice,and later Masquerade and Joe Brown. Together they learn more about the origin of Bakugan, the game involving them and battle against the antagonists Hal-G and Naga."

Here is an excerpt from the Bakugan site: "Bakugan Battle Brawlers are action-figure warriors, that are tucked into spheres that pop open when they're rolled onto a game card, where they gather points."

Pretty much each Bakugan is in marble form and when they are rolled across a card with a piece of metal in it, they pop open - BAM! Then you take the "G" points on the figure and start to add or subtract from the card they rolled on. But wait, you have regular cards that you can use with Special effects to boost your Bakugan. Pretty much if my son wants to play with you, he has already stacked his deck in favor of himself and gives you the low points ones.

Here are 6 from his current collection
Here is a closeup of one of the them
Here is a hard to find "Trap" Bakugan
Here are some of the Metal and Regular Cards

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Kiba - First 7 Episodes

Anime: Kiba
Overall Rating: C+

Genre: Action, Adventure

Themes: Fantasy, Magic, Spirit Monsters

Introduced this on a blog about some additional websites that hosted anime. I was thinking of getting the DVD's, but short on money had me go to other options. It originally aired on Cartoon Network.

Story has similar characteristics to other anime. Young boy (Zed) is on his own is a rebel (dad gone, mom in mental hospital) and lives in a city called Calm. It looks like any neo-modern city, but no wind is present - weird. For some reason he breaks down doors for no apparent reason. Has a friend (Noa) that is ill (has an exo-skeleton under his clothes) and tries to help him. Later a strange guy tries to kill him in front of the hospital and his mom saves him with some kind of powers. He then is chased by police for a murder he did not commit (strange bad guy did it) and jumps into a mysterious portal to escape. This all happens in the 1st episode - WOW!

So now starts his adventure on who he is, what his powers are and why people are trying to kill him. He is transported to another world in a country called Tempura (no laughing). It is a civilization sort of the Middle Ages, but with magical gems and spirits that battle. They are called Shard Casters which he learns from Roya and her master, Jiko. Like normal, it is not before long he gets in trouble again. We also see that his friend Noa is also taken through to the other Realm.

His hot headedness get him in trouble after trouble, but is learning as he goes along. Finds more friends and tries to actually make a difference. Only issue is that his Spirit which has some amazing powers (one being wind) is not listening to him. It is in fact so strong, it is overpowering him. As it turns out, his Spirit Shard is "Amil Gaoul", a mighty Spirit with the power to influence the world's future (no shock here). He is mentored by Dumas the current Shards Champion of Tempura. He also meets Robes a Rich playboy that also has his own Shard Spirit.

His friend Noa is taking a different course and is actually being hunted down by the rulers of Neotopia. They rule by an iron hand and anyone not following the rules are delt with in a harsh manner. Noa tries to save a village, but seems to make make matters worse.

So far the series is entertaining, but I think it is moving a little slow. I have also found out that there are 51 episodes to this. Kind of makes sense now on the slow movement and repeated scenes. I think I will continue to watch this for a little while longer. Should be interesting to see Zed actually master his spirit.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Box Set 3 for Gurran Lagann

Gurran Lagann Box Set 3
Overall Rating: A+

So I finally got my last box set for Gurran Lagann. I picked it up from DVD-Planet for $39.04 (reg price $54.98) with free shipping. I have to say that this box set was the best of all them. Not only do you get the last 2 DVD's, but also the first Manga and the Best Sound CD. I figured if you added them up by themselves at normal rates it would be $85.96 for all that.

All the Goodies!

I already uploaded the CD to my iTunes and have watched volume 5. Damn I really love this anime. It gets my heart pounding, blood flowing and high energy. It has Mecha, big fight scenes and hot chicks with big guns.

One question: Can someone explain why the men get nose bleeds when looking at women?

Seems that no matter the size, Gurren Lagann can merge with anything that is a Gunman. This has amazing battle scenes with the Anti-Spirals and it just goes from bad to worse and back to better again. If you want a roller coaster of emotions and crazy stupid action, then you have to get this.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day USA

Time to reflect on those that have defend our freedom to the bitter end. I have decided to take a break and spend time with the family. So I decided to leave you with a Memorial Day treat with the Strike Witches, Sky Girls and other military girls in uniform. So enjoy your clips and Bar-B-Q!

The End!

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